It's a Beautiful Thing
What is a kiyor, and why is it the name of my b...
I get asked this question a lot. It was not easy coming up with a name for my brand. After much thought on what defined my brand, and what name...
What is a kiyor, and why is it the name of my b...
I get asked this question a lot. It was not easy coming up with a name for my brand. After much thought on what defined my brand, and what name...
Holy Crack!
Recently I started a course based on the principles of positive psychology, the goal of which is to develop tools that will change the way your brain responds to...
Holy Crack!
Recently I started a course based on the principles of positive psychology, the goal of which is to develop tools that will change the way your brain responds to...
The Pain and the Joy of Tisha B'Av
This tension, between pain and joy and exile and redemption, reminds me of birth. The same day we physically contract, we physically expand.
The Pain and the Joy of Tisha B'Av
This tension, between pain and joy and exile and redemption, reminds me of birth. The same day we physically contract, we physically expand.
Debut Blog: It's a beautiful Thing
I always say that I get around to most things eventually... and here I am (finally) launching the blog I have been keeping notes and saving ideas for, for the past 10...
Debut Blog: It's a beautiful Thing
I always say that I get around to most things eventually... and here I am (finally) launching the blog I have been keeping notes and saving ideas for, for the past 10...